
Monday, February 3, 2014

Vintage 1990s Tamagotchi

The original virtual reality pet. Meet the tiny pet from cyberspace who needs your love to survive and grow. Features digital clock and button cell battery. From the Year 1998 made by Bandai. Old price: $9.99. Now: There are new ones so probably $5.00.

Here's a picture:

I have one of these the old ones and I still use it also got a new one but it's not the same. These were really popular and are still selling, not as much but it's something. 
 Here's the new one:

I'm not loving it but it's cool and also there's an app for it in your ipad or ipod and it's fun or that's what they told me and I recommend you get your kids one of these and see if it survives more than a month then get them a dog or cat whatever your kid wants.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Portable Electric Phonograph

Portable Electric Phonograph with 6 records of nursery rhymes included. Used to be Price: $5.75
Now Price: $200 yikes!!

here's a picture:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Texas Ranger Cowboy Suit

This late 30s Texas Ranger Cowboy Suit included everything for cowboy dressing up including headband, shirt, bandana, lasso, leather belt, holster, pistol, and real suede chaps. Price: $4.49.
Now: the same since it's just an older version of a cowboy suit today about $10.97.

Here's a picture:
It's pretty much the same thing that we see today except that with this it's more comfortable and with comfortable clothing.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tweedie Singing Bird in Cage

Pretty bird trills a merry tune as he swings to and fro on perch. The cage has two feeding cups and a ring at the top for hanging.  Price (old):$2.76. Today's Price: If it's old and carved 100 of dollars.


This things just tweet tweet tweet and don't stay quiet I use to own one and I would just stare at it praying so that it would stop. I would try to stop the little swing and then it would stop until I broke it and I missed it. But this thing looks like a mimicking bird it resembles it.

Here's a picture:

My cousin has one but it doesn't work and if it does it sound like it's being killed. So please follow hope you enjoy I post every day except Sunday, Sunday is a surprise maybe I will accept questions.

The New Schedule

So the old schedule was had for me so I will change it and that way I can fix anything you'll understand when you see the new schedule.

Monday: 1990's
Tuesday: 1950's
Wednesday: 1930's
Thursday : 1920's/1980's
Friday: 1940's

Monday, January 27, 2014

Alice in Wonderland Watch

It's Alice herself... just as she appears in Walt Disney's latest Technicolor movie... on the dial of an extra small watch! Gleaming, polished case is chrome plated with a stainless metal back. Dainty pink fabric strap contrasts with soft dial colors. Packed in a teacup of translucent plastic. Colorful Walt Disney gift box shows scenes of the March Hare's tea party.  Use to be price: $7.95. Price now: $200 some even more!!!

Here's a picture:

Saturday, January 25, 2014


So I know I haven't posted a lot but I had family matters and I barley have time to write on my blog so I promise (or at least I'll try) to rite something in my blog each and every day.

Walnut Finished Piano in Spinet Style Toy

 Child's Walnut Finished Piano in Spinet Style 22 inches high, 19 inches wide and 13 inches deep. Price (old):  $8.85. Today's price for one original: Some up to $500 dollars!!!

Here's a picture:

Friday, January 24, 2014

Atari 400 Home Computer System (Came Out In 1979)

 One of the earliest home computer systems available to the general public, the Atari 400 Home Computer System which included Console, basic language cartridge, TV Switch box to plug into your TV and AC Adapter, this was an expensive item if you consider the average wage at the time was under $20,000 but they sold like hot cakes.
This example is from the Year 1979  Price (old): $594.95. Now price: like $1000 it's very pricey.

here's a picture:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

A question

Did you ever own a troll doll? Did you like it or were you scared?

That's my question of the day please answer.

Old 1960s Troll Dolls

We are back to some classical: the Troll Doll. These pot-bellied and bow-legged Trolls use to be the original choose from Bride, Groom, Nurse, or Indian Chief. Price (old): $1.44 each. Today's price (for the old ones): It's not so much like about $10 for each old troll doll.

Here's a Picture:

These use to be the original Troll dolls and they were scary, very scary I wonder how parents even decided to buy their kids it's like " Hey kids here take a little troll with red eyes, freaky hair, and a creepy smile. O, and don't worry they don't bite. I think." First why, second who made this little things.

Here's a picture of the troll dolls today:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

1920's Flossy Flirt Doll

Flossy Flirt Doll animated doll, says the words Ma Ma, rolling flirty eyes and she closes her eyes when she goes to sleep, sizes range from 14 inch high to 23 inches high.  What it used to cost: From $1.98 to $ 4.98. Today: It can cost to about 100 or less dollars.

Here's a picture: 

This "lovable" little doll was loved (or maybe feared) by so many little girls back in the 20's it was like a little doll that could roll her eyes if you checked out my latest post I put a picture of a little porcelain doll and this flossy flirt doll looks a lot like one.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

1930 - Dolls

Dolls with real human hair that cry and sleep. Used to be price: $1.39. Price today (those kinds of dolls): about or even more 100 or so.


It is creepy check it out it has REAL HUMAN HAIR. What kind of factory does that? It just wrong in my opinion and I think people are crazy for buying them but they were super famous in the 1930's. They actually look a lot like these:

I have to say that these things are still creepy but buy what you guys want I won't judge.

Monday, January 20, 2014

1950's Deluxe Junior Steering Wheel

Every little boy wants to drive dad's car. This 10-inch molded plastic wheel with rubber shaft lets a child do just that. Has three-position gearshift lever and horn that beeps. Suction cup holds it firmly to any smooth surface.  It use to cost: $2.79. Now: (sice they still make them): $5.99 

Here's a picture:

It's pretty much still factured but not that much because it's not that popular because people don't buy it that much since little kids just sit around playing video games, wait, let me finish something *beep* *boop* yeah I won, wait, what was I doing o, right so I use to have one of these but it use to be my moms but it was still cool.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

1940's Slinky

The Slinky toy's history dates back to 1943. A Slinky is a spring-shaped toy that uses gravity and momentum to fall end-over-end down a set of stairs on its own. Each Slinky requires 80 feet of steel wire to manufacture. 
The Slinky was invented by naval engineer Richard James. He was inspired in 1943 when he saw a tension spring fall onto the ground and continue moving forward on its own. James experimented with different types and gauges of metal until coming up with a finished product in 1945. His wife, Betty, named the new invention "Slinky," which is the Swedish word for "traespiral, or sleek and sinuous." It's price use to be: 25 cents. Now it's price: 50 cents to $5.00.

A picture (old): 

The slinky was invented in the 1940's and I got to say that it is still one of the best toy's everbut now they made a new doggy toy that is shown in the toy story movie it's name :slinky


The Days

Sorry I got the days confused so instead of putting information on 1910 and 1990 I'm going to write about the 1940's.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Now the 1910's = Teddy Bear

Apparently after searching more there use to be an older version of the teddy bear I wasn't able to get a picture but I know that it wasn't stuffed with cotton but with straw and it wasn't very cute and I'm sorry I couldn't find anything else on this teddy bear.

First up: 1990's =FURBY

A yes the Furby. The lovable little fur ball we all love today is cute (not that creepy). But back in the 1990's IT was scary. It takes a special toy to be banned from the N.S.A. building in Maryland because boys think it can record classified verbal information. And it takes a very special (weird) toy to be named Toy of the Year in 1998. But for the rotund, gremlin-eared, giant-eyed Furby, both were easier done than said and that’s just because Furby’s English wasn’t so great, at least not at first. Used to cost: $10-15
. Now : $35 it's not that expensive.
Here's a picture (of the old one):

Okay so maybe I exaggerated just a bit but it's still creepy I can't tell if it's happy, or secretly planning my doom. So I have a new one which I got to say it's pretty cool except that it's deaf and he or she is bio polar and changes moods every 10 minutes but at least it doesn't have weird bulgy eyes and a scary word.

Here's a picture of the new one:
Leave in the comment's which one you like better hope you liked.


Sorry guys I couldn't post I was on a trip but I'm back so time to post like crazy. Yay

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Beatles Board Game

You can actually  play as John, Paul, George or Ringo. The price back then was: $2.22. Today (if it's old and from the 1960's): $60 or more I'm not quite sure but it's a lot since their rare.

Here's a picture:

Well I obviously have no idea how to comment just this: THE BEATLES. They are (were) awesome and I love their song especially "Yellow Submarine" so this toy or board game used to be very popular and since it's rare it costs a lot of money and since it's obviously a board game there's not much to compare just that:


Difference known.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bird Whistlers

 Fill your Bird (the top part) with water and they make a sound like a canary (I guess). The price would usually be: 3 for 19 cents. But today: The most probably about 6 or 5 dollars (the plastic).

Here's a picture:

I personally never used one but they look funny I think you probably didn't even sound like a bird maybe you sounded like a weird person whistling badly and scared the birds away. But they still do sell them this time and their not that hard to come by but some are really expensive maybe a wooden one today made way bak would be expensive but today the plastic ones are like 1 dollar or 2.

Here's a picture:
(Their colorful)

Vintage 20s Tom Tinker Toy

 The Tom Tinker Toy is or well was made from smooth wooden balls threaded on strong chords. The Price use to be: 59 cents. But know: roughly 100 since their old and hard too find but still it's do much but I think collectors would buy it for even more since it's so rare.

Here is the picture:

I'm looking at this and I'm thinking it must have been scary seeing or sleeping with that think. Maybe it was a doll for girls because there is a little string on the top of it's head and it looks like hair in a pony tail.I wonder what will happen if it had lipstick? 

Here is a picture of our barbies today:
Pretty with clothes and not that pricey. They have faces and are made of plastic but the good side to having a Tom Tinker Toy is that their resistant yaaaay.

Vintage Twenties Teddy Bear

This Teddy Bear is from an advert from 1920. Named after the United States President Theodore Roosevelt (whose nickname was "Teddy") following a cartoon where he refused to kill a tied up beaten black bear (1902). The following year, Morris Michtom (Ideal Novelty and Toy Co) wrote to the president asking for permission to market a (Teddy Bear) and was given permission, the rest as they say is history. However, there are disputes over the first "Teddy Bear" as it is believed that the Steiff firm in Germany, unaware of Michtom's bear, produced a stuffed bear from Richard Steiff's designs at around the same time and they can stand up, but it was released in the 1920's. It's price back then: 79 cents. Today's price: almost more than 125 dollars.  Can you believe it!

Here is a picture:

My grandmother use to own one but she sold it to a collector and I remember I saw it once or twice but I think I was scared of it! I wonder how it felt I would always run when I saw it maybe it felt really rough since it's fur was fake. CREEPY.

But compared to today's their pretty pricey since there rare but at least our teddy bears are soft.

Here's a picture:
So cute! and not that pricey.

My Blog

Hi, my name is Ana and I will be talking about how toys that existed a long time ago maybe in the 30's or even 20's and how they are treated today. I will post pictures and information each day I will probably put 2 to 4 toys and what they cost today maybe what they look like today stuff like that.  Also I take requests to search for different items or toys and I answer questions. Each day of the week I post for that year, like since Wednesday is 1920's I post items (mostly toys) of that year and so forth.

Here is the "schedule":
Sunday: 1910's/ 1990's
Monday: 1950's
Tuesday: 1930's
Wednesday: 1920's
Thursday: 1960's
Friday: 1970's/ 1980's
Saturday: 1940's

Hope you enjoy!  :)